I remember there was love, I remember joy and laughter.
I remember there was beauty, magic and hope, the sunrise of a bright world.
I remember the torch that I got and the feeling of pride to carry it.
But when the sun went down, the darkness came.
When the world was against me, where were you, my soul?
The emperor has his loyal knights around him that protect him against the intruders.
I believe you were my knight and you would protect me.
But the arms I gave you, you used against me.
You advised me to forget who I am and to hide to escape to escape from the pain.
But you abused my trust and made me weak so that you could take control.
At the entrance of my castle you are the guard.
You say you protect me against the enemy.
I trusted you, I listened to your advices and tried to be quiet.
I believed you. I thought if I can forget who I am and let you rule my castle,
I can survive, rest from the attacks and escape from the sea of troubles.
In my cave that you sent me to.
"Here you are safe", you said, "here the enemy won't find you, here you can forget your mission and no one will see you face."
You let nobody pass through to me, you showed them your sword, but to me you said: "It was you they were running away from." And in my cave, far away from the outside, I believed you.
Where did our ways separate?
You let me forget the sunlight, you killed my love and my hope.
You almost killed me and I was thankful because I believed
that you were right and you did all that for me.
I an so tired and you know that. So, you could use my weakness against me. And I didn't resist this time, I gave in to you.
I realized that I cannot deny who I am and play the rule you chose for me. So, I decided to die as myself rather than live on as somebody else that you wanted me to be.
You imprisoned me, you didn't let me breath, and all the energy that I had left,
I used to survive, being silent in my cave that you reserved for me.
You won the battle because I need a rest. To rest and sleep is all I want, taking with me my world and my dreams.
But, dear soul, my former brother that you were.
What will remain of you when I sleep forever?
Do you think you will be the queen of my castle?
Do you think you will be free?
Can't you see, my soul, that your kingdom will fade and vanish together with me?
What is the goal of your fight?
The moment of triumph when you see me loose?
The earth below your feet will crumble and you will fall with me. There will be nothing left.
Dear soul, dear brother. For how long you didn't look into my face?
For how many years have you been blinded?
See all the wounds? They were made just by your hand.
But when I look you in the eyes, I recognize your despair, it might even be bigger than mine. Mark my words.
I never forgot completely who I am, there was always a dream or a prayer.
You won nothing, you just hurt us both.
You saw me bleeding and you thought you were stronger.
But also your energy was fading.
Now, brother, it's time to rest. See, I don't defend myself any more.
Let your sword sink. I can see how tired you are, too. Tired of all this hate against me.
A bloody feud, where does it lead to?
Centuries of fight, how can we break out if fighting is all we have learned?
Raise your head, my soul, I will not harm you.
I know so well the blade of your sword but I never felt your hand in mine.
Now that I am lying on the ground and my lips just whisper, will you give me the final stroke and terminate us both in hate? Or are you brave enough, in front of your defeated comrade, to look into my eyes and recognize your brother?
See how senseless is this sword in your hand, see how sad is this fight.
Can I see tears in your eyes, my brother?
Can I see your own despair behind these years of hate?
Reach out your hand, it is the only one I can still reach.
Let's end the storm. Together we stand, divided we fall.
(Dr. Divago)