Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Culture industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

«Culture today is infecting everything with sameness. Film, radio, and magazines form a system. Each branch of culture is unanimous within itself and all are unanimous together. (…) All mass culture under monopoly is identical, and the contours of its skeleton, the conceptual armature fabricated by monopoly, are beginning to stand out. (…) Films and radio no longer need to present themselves as art. The truth that they are nothing but business is used as an ideology to legitimize the trash they intentionally produce».

(Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Dialectic of Enlightenment, first published in1944, pp. 94-95 SUP edition 2002)

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A full cup

«A full cup must be carried steadily».

(English proverb)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

L’etica è il cuore della legge

Una tra le tante folli credenze del nostro tempo è quella secondo cui si pretende che la legge possa essere un valido sostituto dell’etica.

(Dr. Divago)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

If my hurt is to be that you will write no more...

William Shakespeare: I am done with the theatre. The playhouse is for dreamers. Look where the dream has brought us.
Viola: It was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come I would not have it otherwise.
William Shakespeare: I have hurt you and I am sorry for it.
Viola: If my hurt is to be that you will write no more, then I shall be the sorrier.

(From: Shakespeare in Love, written by Marc Norman & Tom Stoppard)