Thursday, October 9, 2014

Are you looking for a name (名) for truth?

A monk asked Daiju:

Q. Are words the Mind?

A. No, words are external conditions; they are not the Mind.

Q. Apart from external conditions, where is the Mind to be sought?

A. There is no Mind independent of words. [That is to say, the Mind is in the words, but is not to be identified with them.]

Q. If there is no Mind independent of words, what is the Mind?

A. The Mind is formless and imageless. The truth is, it is neither independent of nor dependent upon words. It is eternally serene and free in its activity. Says the Patriarch, ‘When you realize that the Mind is no Mind, you understand the Mind and its workings.’

Daiju further writes: “That which produces all things is called Dharma-nature, or Dharmakaya. By the so-called Dharma is meant the Mind of all beings. When the Mind is stirred up, all things are stirred up. When the Mind is not stirred up, there is no stirring and there is no name...”

(quoted by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki)